Monday, July 9, 2007

Learning to juggle... (some library thoughts)

I sit here in the middle of the silent room trying to understand the definition of responsibility and prioritizing. Because, right now, no matter how much I try to get things done and understand all those weirdness in my course all that I was able to do is stare at the blank space of this large air-conditioned room. Waaah! How can I concentrate, when my stomach keeps on shouting to my brain to get the food in my bag and eat it(RAWR), then add up my unusually heavy eyelids that keeps on falling.

If I can describe my whole situation right now, I am an amateur juggler struggling his way on his first exhibition, complaining inside how hard it is but can’t drop anything ‘cause everything he puts in the air is everything he is, and with just one drop from one of those things his everything will fall apart. How I wish this staged program will be over, or much better it won’t and I will just get the hang of it and continue performing without any hesitation.

All I can think of or all I can dream of, right now, is my ultimate-vacation-dream-thing and that is a road trip somewhere very far, far away from here, where I can spread my arms and fell the gushing of the wind on me. But, unfortunately, when I open my eyes, it all ends. And I am back in my plain school library where all I can do is watch two lesbians getting it on, some freshmen breaking the silence of the room from time to time, and some utterly tired students sleeping and drooling (maybe and hopefully ;) ) on their financial accounting books. Okay, right now, I have made a decision to go home and continue my sleep-walking-studying past time there.

Random thoughts:
Need a new planner!
Gotta cancel my reservation in Greenbelt for HP! *teary eyes*
How much is a brand new phone nowadays?
I want krispy kremes!

Eskimo – Damien Rice
Tiredness fuels empty thoughts
I find myself disposed
Brightness fills empty space
In search of inspiration
Harder now with higher speed
Washing in on top of me so

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