Friday, June 8, 2007

some crazy thoughts this week...

It’s crazy, crazy I tell you (for me). It is very hard to do all the adjusting for the weird changes. Good things after missing the special episode of Will and Grace, journalizing, posting and scouring the whole house for some receipts of May for the BIR I am done with all my liabilities for the week! And now I am sitting at our balcony as I wait for the wind to blow, endure the sticky feeling of the world, watch some kid neighbor make a fool out of himself, listen to some feel good love song and write this blog entry.

Whew! Enrolled last Tuesday, I think. Nine days to go before I stop fooling around and start making myself a nerdy dead kid! I am dreading school and at the same time anticipating the adventurous experience of running for the jeep, doing some stunts to be able to fit in the fully loaded jeep, and meeting weird people and laugh at them ( I tend to be mean on the first day of class ), plus I can’t wait to have my baon ( though I am thinking not to avail it this year ) and to see the rest of the world!

Another whew! and a sheesh! 13 days to go! And I am going to be the supposedly-responsible eldest kid in the house, except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, when my sister will go home from her work in Cavite.hehehe….

Hmmm…for the past week, I think I should be thankful for still being sane, why? Well, because I was forced to disown my PILOT G-TEC C3 and use some old fashioned ordinary pen thing. Then I am, again, forced to change my handwriting, which by the way is a result of nine years (I am exaggerating) worth of hard work to imitate one of my classmates’ penmanship back in high school. Waah! I can’t believe that I am still surviving these stuffs. It is like I am suddenly changing a huge part of myself without any notice second thoughts and choice.

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